NUBWAY | Privacy Policy
NUBWAY | Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

On rom now on, willbe referred as ), as visitor privacy is of our serious concern. This privacy policypage describes what kind of personal information may be received and collected by and how the informgtion wil be usedSocial and Search Engine AdsAs many other professional ites, invest on the internet advertisement. Our adverise partners include facebook Ads and Googleds.lin order to maximize online advertising ROl and to lind target client, applied some tracking codes generated by thosesearch engines to record user IPs and page viewing fows. Business Contact DataWe collect al the business contact data sent through emails or web forms on from visitors. The visitor identifcation and contacrelated data entered wil be kept strictly for internal use. wilensure the sofety and proper usage olthose data.

Information Usage

We willonly use your personally identifable information as described below, unless you have specifcaly consented to another type of use, either at thetime the personally identihable information is collected from you or through some other form of consent from you:We will use personally identifable information to complete any orders you have placedWe willuse personally identifable information to provide you with the specifc services that you have requested, such as to reach a retailer.We will use your personally identihable information to respond to questions that you send to us.We willuse your personally identifable information to send you emails from time to time,such as newsletters and notices about our promotionsWe may disclose personally identifable information as required by law or legal process.We may disclose personally identilable information to investigate suspected fraud, harasment or other violations of any law, rule or regulation. or theterms or policies for the Web site.


Upon your request, we wil (a) correct or update your personalinformation;(b) stop sending emails to your emailaddress; and/or (c) disable your accountto prevent any future purchases through that account. You can make these requests at the customer information secion, or by telephoning, or emailingyour request Customer Support Departmen Please do not emailyour credit card number or other sensitive information.

Terms and Conditions

1. Application and Acceptance of the Terms

Welcome to our site! This document is a legally binding agreement between you as the user’s) of the site referred to as “you”, your or “User” hereinalterand–owner of the site use ot hltos”’s services, and products colecivelythe as the services hereingter is subiect to the terms and conditionscontained in this document as well as the Privacy Policy and any other rules and policies of that may be published by time to timeThis document and such other rules and policies of are collectively referred to belowas the “Terms’. By accessing or using the Services, you agree to accept and be bound by the Terms. Please do not use theServices or if you do not accept all of the Terms..2 You may not use the Services and may not accept the Termsiflal you are not oflegal age to form a binding contract with o(b) you are not permited to receive any Services under the laws of PR Ching or other countries/ regions including the country/ region in which you areresident or from which you use the Services.
.3 You acknowledge and agree that may amend any Terms at any time by posting the relevant amended and restated Terms orbttos://www By continuing to use the Services or,you aaree that the amended Terms will apply to you.

2.Users Generally

2.1As a condition of your access to and use of or Services, you aaree that you wil comply with all applicable laws andregulations when using Services.2.2 You must read Privacy Policy which governs the protection and use of personalinformation about Users in the possession ol and our alliates,. You accept the terms of the Privgcy Policy and agreeto the use ofthe personal information gboutyou inaccordance with the Privacy Policy.2.3 You agree not to undertake any action to undermine the integrity ofthe computer systems or network of and/or any otherUser nor to gain unauthorized access to such computer systems or networks.2.4 You agree not to take any advantage in using the information listed on or received from any representatives ol the activities including: seting price levels, or quotations of products and services which are not purchosed fromhtlps., preparing website contents, writing contract or agreements which are without participation.

3. Products and Prices

3.1 Since we are continuously developing and upgrading our products and service, any technical, non-technical speciication,incuding but not imited toweb pages, reports tables,higures, images,videos or audios of any of products of may be altered or completely changed informats and contents without a prior notifcation either online or ofine.3.2 Prices listed on or provided by any representalives of subject to change without a prior nolice4.Limitation of Liability4. Any materiol downlgaded or otherwise obtained through is done ateach user s sole discrelion and risk and each user issolely responsible for any damage to system or loss of data that may resut from the download of any such materialFollow us on social media channels to get our latest feature updates, promotions and upcoming events.