NUBWAY | Can diode laser permanently remove hair?
NUBWAY | Can diode laser permanently remove hair?

Diode laser hair removal is a gentle laser hair removal treatment method, which can protect the skin while removing hair. This laser hair removal method can be used in all skin and hair types and has significant effects. But do you really understand the treatment method of diode laser hair removal? Here are some common questions, I hope I can solve your doubts!

Is diode laser hair removal effective?
Diode laser hair removal is an effective treatment method. Many patients find that their hair can be removed for a long time. There is almost no discomfort during the process of diode laser hair removal.

Is diode laser hair removal permanent?
Diode laser hair removal can be permanent after a series of treatments for individual needs and hair types. Due to not all hair being in the growth phase at the same time, it may be necessary to repeat treatment in certain areas to achieve permanent hair removal.

Once the hair in certain areas of the body is completely removed, they usually do not regenerate unless in rare cases (such as significant hormonal changes).

How many treatments are needed for laser hair removal?
The number of laser hair removal treatments that need to be arranged depends on the treatment area. In most cases, you can get significant results after 3-5 treatments. To achieve complete and permanent hair removal, 7-10 treatments may be required at different times.

Does laser hair removal have side effects?
When laser hair removal is performed correctly, the risk of side effects is extremely low. Qualified practitioners must customize laser settings based on your skin color and treatment area.

In most cases, patients who receive laser hair removal on the face or neck will cool the skin with a cloth or cream shortly after treatment. There may be slight redness and swelling, but it should not develop into swelling. Cosmetics should not be used immediately after treatment.

Is laser hair removal safe on the face?
Laser hair removal is extremely safe in the facial area. The laser pulses used for the face are much milder than those used for other thicker skin areas on the body. If you feel uncomfortable with the intensity of the laser at any time, you can adjust it immediately.

Can laser hair removal also remove scars?
Specialized medical lasers can be used to remove scars. However, every single surgery must use the correct type of laser and be set to the appropriate settings.

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