NUBWAY | 4 Things You Should Know About RF Microneedling
NUBWAY | 4 Things You Should Know About RF Microneedling

RF microneedling, a new non-surgical skin care method that incorporates radiofrequency energy, is taking the world by storm, helping people tighten, lift and plump their skin, smooth out wrinkles, shrink pores, and eliminate acne scars and other blemishes on the face or other parts of the body.

One of the main attractions of RF microneedling is its minimal downtime while effectively boosting collagen production. Using segmented radiofrequency technology, the device quickly penetrates multiple insulated microneedles to the target skin area. Although the process may sound daunting, it is actually quite tolerable with the proper use of numbing cream. When the microneedles reach the desired skin depth, they release radiofrequency energy, which in turn triggers the body to produce new collagen. What makes RF microneedling so amazing is that it achieves its therapeutic effects without damaging the top layer of the skin (epidermis). As a result, bruising is virtually non-existent after treatment, and the common mild redness and swelling will naturally subside within a day or two. Over the next three months, the skin will continue to produce new collagen and elastin, achieving a noticeable rejuvenation effect. However, here are 4 things you should know before you decide to try RF microneedling:

1. How RF microneedling works
RF microneedling stimulates collagen production by piercing the skin at a specific depth with a cluster of fine needles. RF energy is then released into the skin layers, creating tiny columnar areas of thermal damage under the skin through the microneedles. This thermal damage prompts the body to go into healing mode, producing new collagen. Laser specialists will choose the appropriate microneedle penetration depth based on the patient’s skin laxity and specific issues, and the depth usually ranges from 0.5 mm to 4.0 mm. RF microneedling can trigger a natural skin response to generate new collagen-rich tissue, thereby tightening the skin, reducing scars, wrinkles, stretch marks and fine lines, and improving the overall texture and appearance of the skin. For acne patients, RF microneedling can also reduce skin oil secretion by shrinking sebaceous glands, improving skin texture, pores and scars.

2. Problems that RF microneedling can treat
RF microneedling is often used to address problems that would have required surgery in the past, such as:
Forehead wrinkles, including fine lines, frown lines, wrinkles and folds of skin in the forehead area;
Droopy and wrinkled eyelids, loose skin under the eyes, fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet;
Neck skin tightening to lift sagging neck areas;
Arm skin tightening to improve the so-called “bat wings”;
Acne scars, including scars on the cheeks or other parts of the face caused by excessive acne or other conditions;
Sunburned skin, such as marks left by excessive sunburn or dark spots caused by repeated sun exposure;
Uneven skin tone, such as brown tones caused by sunburn or acne problems;
Hyperhidrosis, especially underarm sweating;
Stretch marks.

3. Risks of RF microneedling
RF microneedling is considered a non-invasive procedure, so its risks and recovery time are relatively small. Most patients experience only mild skin irritation and redness, which usually disappears within 2-24 hours after treatment. However, if you experience bleeding, bruising, infection, or peeling after treatment, you should consult your doctor immediately. In addition, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have an autoimmune disease, have metal implants, a defibrillator, a pacemaker, cancer, or skin disease, you are not suitable for RF microneedling treatment.

4. Precautions after treatment
The recovery time for RF microneedling treatment is short, and most patients can return to their normal life immediately after treatment. However, it is normal to experience slight redness and irritation in the treated area within a few hours after treatment and up to the next day. We strongly recommend the use of sunscreen lotion because the skin is recovering at this time and is more vulnerable to UV damage.

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